Hog Roast Witton for a Board Meeting

The directors of the company we were asked to provide one of our snazzy corporate buffets for recently may not always agree on everything discussed in the meeting room, but when it came to the catering, they were unanimous in their decision. The board were bored! Every month their post-meeting lunch was always the same predictable platter of pre-made sandwiches wrapped in cling film and other tedious titbits. They decided enough was enough and after reading one of Hog Roast Witton’s reviews and making the unexpected discovery that we have an impressive range of corporate menus suitable for all types of professional gatherings, they immediately hired us to inject a bit of culinary magic into the end of their monthly meeting!

They were delighted with both the hot and cold menu options we presented them with and everyone was equally impressed with our ability to cook on-site, prepare everything from scratch and time our service to coincide perfectly with the ned of the meeting. Here at Hog Roast Witton, we understand the needs of our corporate clients and we take pride in delivering high quality food within tight time-frames. Our preparation is never rushed though, and we invest just as much time and patience into preparing buffets that need to be consumed quickly, as we do into preparing more laid-back feasts that can be savoured at a leisurely pace.

Whilst stats were being presented, ideas debated and decisions were being made in the meeting room upstairs, we were already hard at work in the canteen area slow-roasting our locally-produced pork, crisping up our jacket wedges, and putting together the delicious fresh ingredients for the crispy Thai and classic Waldorf salads for the board members and their team of assistants. Our tempting aromas were attracting a lot of attention from other staff members in passing, but we didn’t get in anyone’s way or cause any disruptions to the normal running of the staff canteen. The great thing about our sleek and streamlined hog roast machines, is their chameleon-like ability to fit into any space and any environment!

As promised, we were ready to serve as soon as our corporate diners left the meeting room and they were thrilled with the superior spread that awaited them. Before our clients even got to their third mouthful, they had already rebooked Hog Roast Witton to come back next month!



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