Corporate Hog Roast Dudley Catering at an Angling Club!

As Hog Roast Dudley have proved time and time again, not only can we provide high quality corporate menus, we can prepare them in any location a company chooses! Because our style of cooking allows us to deliver professional menus in any setting, we have become an increasingly popular choice for corporate events, as it allows event organisers to be a bit more adventurous when choosing a location, which means everyone has the chance to escape from the office and enjoy a much-needed change of scenery!

This was the case last week, when we were contacted by a company who wanted to entertain some clients with a spot of fishing at a local Angling club, followed by an upmarket lakeside lunch courtesy of Hog Roast Dudley! They opted for our superb whole roasted organic chicken with chipolata sausage stuffing and our homemade onion gravy, accompanied by seasonal vegetables and fluffy garlic infused roast potatoes. Undoubtedly the perfect way to end a morning of fishing and talking shop!

Whilst our corporate hosts were keeping their clients occupied with a combination of casting off and sales projections, we were keeping ourselves occupied on the other side of the angling lake by freshly preparing a luscious lunch for the 30 participants.  Because we always prepare everything from scratch at the venue, we are always there several hours before the meal is due to be served, but we always work efficiently and discreetly so as not to disturb any of the other aspects of the event. It was certainly a nice tranquil spot to do business, and an equally pleasant place to spend the morning slowly roasting our organic chicken and making all of the accompaniments!

With service time fast approaching and some delicious aromas wafting across the lake, the party reeled in their lines and eagerly took their seats. The corporate crowd were all taken aback that Hog Roast Dudley had been able to produce food with such finesse by the side of the fishing lake, and they all agreed it made a lovely change to be able to enjoy food of this quality in the fresh away, without a desk or a computer in sight!

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