Farmers Market with Hog Roast Shirley!

Last weekend one of our favourite events rolled around; Shirley’s annual farmers market. This always turns out to be a great event that attracts crowds from miles away. After all who doesn’t love a wander around a traditional market sampling some of the local produce and finding a new favourite chutney or trying some exotic ostrich meat for the first time?! Hog Roast Shirley are good friends with a couple of the local farmers and they are always keen for us to cook up some of their stock that they put so much love and care into raising the past couple of years. Of course, we are always happy to help as it means we get to cook top quality meat on our machines to the delight of our customers.

This year we were helping out Roy who had provided us with some of his finest stock of pigs and chickens. Roy also owns his own butcher business so by holding a Hog Roast Shirley and encouraging the local people to try his produce he can often drum up a lot of extra business – which is good news for us too! This year we settled on creating the perfect Cajun spiced chickens which we flavour using our chefs own secret recipe marinade. We chose to serve the pork in all its glory by spit roasting it in front of the crowds and serving it with lots of mouth-watering crackling. We managed to make a trade with one of the neighbouring chutney stalls to have their speciality served as an accompaniment. Of course, they ensured their side of the bargain meant they got to try lots of our Hog Roast Shirley and there was plenty to go around!

It was of no surprise to us that the Hog Roast Shirley team and Roy’s stall had attracted the biggest crowds for the day. Everyone seamed to love the food and for us and Roy it was another successful show!

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