Hog Roast Stechford – Christening

We have been so busy last week with Hog Roast Stechford, up and down the country catering for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements but Sunday we catered for one of our all time favourites a Christening! A cute little boy named Luke who was only three months old. We arrived at his home early Sunday morning his Mum and Dad were so excited as he was their first born and thanked us for coming at such short notice. We said it wasn’t a problem at all and we were eager to get started on the Hog Roast Stechford.

We placed the lamb on the machine to slow cook and as the lamb cooked we made a large batch of mint sauce we are famous for our mint sauce. We were going to shred the lamb when cooked and place it into buns with a tangy salad we made using rocket, onions, peppers, celery and a tantalising lime sauce. We placed some olives in bowls along with some cheeses and chutney and a selection of pickles. We then made some mini trifles and placed them in glasses for the guests to enjoy we like to offer lots of different dishes. The couple had a super christening cake made for Luke and we placed the cake in the centre of the table added some decorations and we were ready. The service had ended and the guests had arrived and were saying they were so hungry. They watched as we removed the moist lamb and shredded it and placed it in a huge metal heated container and then the guests helped themselves to the Hog Roast Stechford food. They filled the buns full of meat and salad and they were coming over in their droves thanking us for the food. Luke’s parents said they were overwhelmed at the food and said we had done them proud!

We left some menus out for guests to take showing who we are and what we do and lots were keen to take one and sure enough as always on the journey back home we were getting calls from guests at the event asking us to cater for them. We love our job here at Hog Roast Stechford we are the happiest caters it must be said.

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