Hog Roast Wishaw – Farewell Meal

We offer a huge range of menus to choose from here at Hog Roast Wishaw and if desired you can always design your own. We will help you create the perfect menu and we offer a huge selection of meats and sides and we also offer a vegetarian menu too. On Sunday we were doing just that and catering for a group of vegetarians who were about to go off back packing and were having a farewell meal with friends and family.

When we arrived we chatted to Kev the guy who booked us he was telling us how hard he found it trying to get caters who specialise in vegetarian dishes, we told him we specialise in all at Hog Roast Wishaw. The first job was to line up and place the mountain of potatoes on the machine as the potatoes were roasting we started to make the fillings we made some vegetable spicy mix using pepper and onions in a garlic and mint filling we then made a cheese and onion filling and a vegetable curry filling. We then chopped the vegetables to make some vegetable skewers placing mushrooms, celery, tomato, and courgette on sticks to roast. We made a huge assortment of salads and slaws and lots of dips plenty of flavour and freshness and we stood back to admire the food when it was cooked, as it did look good! The guests were very impressed and they loved the jacket potatoes and fillings and the vegetable skewers were a big hit too. They were equally impressed with the dressings and dips that make vegetables come to life we are all about flavour too and like to be adventurous whenever we can.

The guests said that they would be recommending us to all and said that the Hog Roast Wishaw food was first class and they were all stunned at the quality. The guests headed off all full and said farewells to their teary parents and we wished them well they said as they left that they would be booking us again in a few months when they return and we said we can’t wait to hear of their adventures that when they get back.

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