Hog Roast For Catering For 80 In Elmdon

In addition to catering private parties, weddings, and all kinds of other functions, we are also a proud supplier of hog and spit roast catering to the corporate hospitality industry. To celebrate 20 years of being in business, local entrepreneur Eliot organised a work party for his staff and major clients last week, and invited us to supply the food. With a menu of hog roast Elmdon rolls, salads and potatoes, as well as some alternative dishes for the non-meat-eaters, Eliot wanted to show his employees how thankful he was for their hard work, as well as to thank the clients for their business over the years.

Our team turned up early on Friday morning, equipped with a large pig to cook in one of our hog roast machines for around 5 and a half hours. There were 80 guests to feed, including several vegetarians and one vegan, who would all enjoy the same tasty main of stuffed peppers prepared specially by one of our hard-working chefs. We have extensive menu choices and love to give our customers lots of options, so if your guests have any kind of dietary requirements, please feel free to ask us about our excellent alternatives.

We cook your food fresh at your venue, as nothing tastes or smells better than freshly roasted meat. Once the hog machine was turned on at Eliot’s workplace, we just had to keep a watchful eye on the pig and the machine itself. Several hours later and the fragrant aromas had filled the surrounding areas and the pork looked gorgeous while it rested for half an hour. The skin was now masses of crunchy crackling and the meat was tender and juicy so it was super-easy to slice into. While we let it rest, we got on with preparing the rolls, salads and stuffed peppers and ensuring the new potatoes were cooked through, as well as arranging the serving station with condiments and serviettes.

The carnivores started to queue up for their fill of soft rolls filled with beautiful pork, crackling, stuffing and apple sauce and the veggies loaded up on their scrumptious sweet peppers. By the end of service, the hog roast Elmdon had been stripped clean, as had the rest of the dishes, and we were inundated with compliments and words of thanks.

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