Hog Roast Handsworth Wood Can Make Any Event A Success With Our Tasty Menus

Have you been dreaming about spicing up your occasion with a slow or spit roasted pig, but aren’t sure whether it suits the event style or not? Well, the fully flexible nature of our catering menus at Hog Roast Handsworth Wood means that you and your guests can enjoy one of our tasty roasts at whatever event you’ve got planned. Whether you’re looking for a bespoke spread befitting a lavish occasion or a laid-back finger buffet for a small family gathering, we have something to suit everyone’s needs.

Hog Roast Handsworth WoodEager to learn more about our comprehensive services for himself, Jerry reached out to our friendly customer service team who were happy to answer all of his questions before passing him over to our resident catering manager. As his company prepared to host a high-profile business seminar, Jerry had been placed in charge of finding a trustworthy catering service, which as we all know can be a tricky task at the best of times. But after discovering Hog Roast Handsworth Wood, his worries surrounding this duty soon dissolved.

The client was so pleased to discover that by booking with us he was promised a complete service where our team would handle everything from sourcing the produce to cooking and serving, and even discreetly tidying away the mess at the end of the night. In keeping with the formality of the function, Jerry had decided on the corporate hospitality menu four which is comprised of a spit roasted meat (in this case, a pork joint), a selection of side salads, a duo of delicious desserts and a handful of canapes to start.

With a busy day laid out in front of them, the Hog Roast Handsworth Wood catering team arrived at Jerry’s office building in the early morning where they were welcomed into the brightly lit dining hall to begin cooking. The next few hours flew by and after the 200 members of staff exited the seminar, they were grateful to be greeted with platters of bite-sized snacks from our servers, which made them all the more eager to tuck into the main course.

The slow roasted pork joint which was served with lashings of applesauce and brightly coloured salads went down a storm among the enthusiastic guests and to round off the successful event, they happily indulged in the rich chocolate torte and fresh fruit salad desserts.


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